Deficit in selective and divided attention associated with cholinergic basal forebrain immunotoxic lesion produced by 192-saporin; m...
SAPOR:second-order Arnoldi method for passive order reduction of RCS circuits
SAPOR: second-order Arnoldi method for passive order reduction of RCS circuits
Block SAPOR:block Second-order Arnoldi method for Passive Order Reduction of multi-input multi-output RCS interconnect circuits
Scheme for alternative packet overflow routing (SAPOR)
Productive and Reproductive Parameters in Dairy Cows and the Relationship with Ovarian Follicular Dynamics in the Puerperium
Unexpected activity of saporins
Panax notoginseng saporins injection in treatment of cerebral infarction with a multicenter studies
Unexpected activity of saporins [9]
Cellular and subcellular distribution of saporins, type-1 ribosome-inactivating proteins, in soapwort (Saponaria officinalis L.)