Sarcoid reactions in malignant tumours.Vitamin D conversion by sarcoid lymph node homogenate.Human herpesvirus 8 variants in sarcoid tissuesCardiac sarcoid: a clinicopathologic study of 84 unselected patients with systemic sarcoidosisInvolvement of the IP-10 chemokine in sarcoid granulomatous reactions.World Trade Center "sarcoid-like"granulomatous pulmonary disease in New York City Fire Department rescue workersIL-12 and IL-18 Are Increased and Stimulate IFN-γ Production in Sarcoid LungsImmunohistochemical localization of somatostatin receptor sst2A in sarcoid granulomasOsteopontin is associated with T cells in sarcoid granulomas and has T cell adhesive and cytokine-like properties in vitro.Hydrogen peroxide release by alveolar macrophages from sarcoid patients and by alveolar macrophages from normals after exposure to r...