SaxifragaceaeSaxifragaceaeSaxifragaceaeSaxifragaceae (Flora of the Pacific Northwest)NOTES ON PAPUASIAN SAXIFRAGACEAEPhylogenetic Inference in Saxifragaceae Sensu Stricto and Gilia (Polemoniaceae) Using matK SequencesPhylogenetic Relationships Among Members of Saxifragaceae Sensu Lato Based on rbcL Sequence DatamatK and rbcL gene sequence data indicate that Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) is polyphyleticPhylogenetic Relationships in Saxifragaceae Sensu Lato: A Comparison of Topologies Based on 18S rDNA and rbcL SequencesIsolation and characterisation of plant defensins from seeds of Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Hippocastanaceae and Saxifragaceae