scalenohedronAnalysis of welding precision control for large cross-section scalenohedronScalenohedron - MyScienceWorkNon‐Destructive Investigation of a Scalenohedral Hematite Pendant from Bahrain, c.1800 bcFracture zone-scale variation of trace elements and stable isotopes in calcite in a crystalline rock settingNeutron Diffraction Study of the Crystal Structure of BaMoO4: A Suitable Precursor for Metallic BaMoO3 PerovskitePhase and morphology evolution of calcium carbonate precipitated by carbonation of hydrated limeAnisotropic surface broken bond properties and wettability of calcite and fluorite crystalsTHE DEVELOPMENT OF OVERGROWTHS FROM ECHINODERM FRAGMENTSMultisite luminescence of rare earth doped TiO 2 anatase nanoparticles