
英 ['ski:sɪs]
美 ['skisɪs]
  • n.


  • 学习怎么用


    SCHESIS: computation in a multipoint linkage analysis program.
    posthectomy of LASE using hematischesis by knot
    Unità e relazione: la schesis nella dottrina trinitaria di Gregorio di Nissa.
    Desiderio e beatitudine : schesis nell'In Canticum Canticorum di Gregorio di Nissa
    Ontologia e dogma : il ruolo della schesis nella dottrina trinitaria greca
    Hē schesis tēs hellēnikēs orthodoxou ekklēsias kai tēs hellēnikēs glōssēs pros tēn en amerikē hellēnikēn oikogeneian /
    [Pharmacology experimental study of new hematischesis compounds after Flos Sophorae carbonized]
    Staged repair of giant recurrent omphalocele and gastroschesis "camel-litter method"-a new technique.
    Importance of pre-quality control for detection of hemagglutination and hematischesis
    Clinical observation on patients with diabetic foot accepting different ways of packing for hematischesis after femoral artery punct...