The SCORPIO universal focal reducer of the 6-m telescopeScorpio Posterior-Stabilized Knee System: 5-Year Clinical and Functional ResultsPhysical parameters of stars in the Scorpio-Centaurus OB associationInteractions of stars and interstellar matter in Scorpio CentaurusMolecular mechanisms of apoptosis induced by Scorpio water extract in human hepatoma HepG2 cellsIntraspecific variation in the Egyptian scorpion Scorpio maurus palmatus venom collected from different biotopesSolution structure of maurotoxin, a scorpion toxin from Scorpio maurus, with high affinity for voltage‐gated potassium channelsMaurotoxin, a four disulfide bridge toxin from Scorpio maurus venom: purification, structure and action on potassium channelsSeasonal effects on cuticular permeability and epicuticular lipid composition in Centruroides sculpturatus ewing 1928 (Scorpiones: ...Dissection of the functional surface of an anti-insect excitatory toxin illuminates a putative "hot spot"common to all scorpion bet...