- A screenwriting professor of mine once said that what happens in a story must be surprising but expected, and Nolan's approach to The Dark Knight epitomizes this maxim.
- A screenwriting professor of mine once said that what happens in a story must be surprising but expected, and Nolan's approach to The Dark Knight epitomizes this maxim.
ScreenwritingScreenwritingScreenwritingScreenwriting Poetics and the Screen IdeaScreenwriting: History, Theory and PracticeNarrative Screenwriting for Educational Television: a frameworkScreenplay : the foundations of screenwritingTheory and technique of playwriting and screenwritingThe tools of screenwriting : a writer's guide to the craft and elements of a screenplayStory : substance, structure, style and the principles of screenwritingStory: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of ScreenwritingStorytelling that moves people. A conversation with screenwriting coach Robert McKee.Adventures in the screen trade : a personal view of Hollywood and screenwriting