Scrimpy-eye, a sex-linked mutant in the Aedes scutellaris complex of mosquitoesMethod for inspecting fat-soluble vitamin and/or fat-soluble food factor by saliva analysisMEDICINAL PREPARATION FOR ORAL ADMINISTRATIONInvestigation of Making Microemulsion by Ultra-pressure and Impinging Stream MethodDynamic land use change and sustainable urban development in Taizhou city, Jiangsu Province during 2002-2010 periodSeasonal adjustmentsGAZI UNIVERTESI GAZI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI jMethods of forming at least a portion of earth-boring toolsThe story shop for the little folkInfluence of Nutrients on Growth, Fruitfulness and Leaf Nutrient Status of Olive (Olea europaea L.)