Power scaling of a pico-second Nd:YVO4 master-oscillator power amplifier with a phase-conjugate mirrorENMG appliquée à la pathologie (Second Master Médecine)Microcomputer system with at least first and second microcomputers each operable in master and slave modes with configurable bus acc...Second Degree Prelicensure Master's Graduates: What Attracts Them to Nursing, Their Views on the Profession, and Their ContributionsScheduling Second-Order Computational Load in Master-Slave ParadigmExact time evolution and second-order quantum master equations for two interacting qubitsServo system controlled by master and second processors through memory being accessed for read and write by processors in separate p...Narrow bandwidth, pico-second, optical parametric oscillator-master oscillator power amplifier system and method of operation of sameAn LMI approach to H∞ synchronization of second-order neutral master-slave systemsFlat Disc Phonographs and the Injunction of the Second Master