- Near the seesaw I saw a saw saw the wood into four.
在跷跷板附近,我看见一个锯子把那木头锯成四段。 - How may saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws?
[시부문ㆍ당선] 시소(see-saw)
Constructing the large mixing angle MNS matrix in see-saw models with right-handed neutrino dominance
Expression of the bipolar see-saw in Antarctic climate records during the last deglaciation
Domain closure in lactoferrin. Two hinges produce a see-saw motion between alternative close-packed interfaces.
A4 see-saw models and form dominance
TeV scale see-saw mechanisms of neutrino mass generation, the Majorana nature of the heavy singlet neutrinos and (ββ)0ν-decay
Neutrino masses, muon g−2, and lepton-flavour violation in the supersymmetric see-saw model
See-saw and lepton flavour violation in SUSY SO (10)
Phenomenological Consequences of See-Saw in S4 Based Models
'See-saw' expression of microRNA-198 and FSTL1 from a single transcript in wound healing.
See-Saw Realization of the Texture Zeros in the Neutrino Mass Matrix