
英 ['sedʒətəl]
美 ['sedʒətəl]
  • adj.


  • 学习怎么用


    The segetal plant communities of Palestine
    Contribution to the segetal communities of Slovakia.
    Segetal vegetation in the Czech Republic: Synthesis and syntaxonomical revision
    A tentative list of segetal and ruderal apophytes in Poland
    Changes in segetal vegetation under conditions of industrialized agriculture
    Invasive Plants Threaten Segetal Weed Vegetation of South Hungary
    T H A I S Z I A Syntaxonomy of segetal communities of Slovakia
    Biodiversity of medicinal plant species in the segetal communities in the Opole region (SW Poland).
    Sanctuaries for the segetal vegetation in Germany - Inventory and new impulses by the project "Biodiversity in agricultural landscap...
    Segetal communities from the dynamic circles of coniferous pine forests of the alliance Dicrano-Pinion in the Siedlce Upland - occur...