SelachiiHistorical zoogeography of SelachiiHistorical Zoogeography of the SelachiiThe Lift Produced by the Heterocercal Tails of SelachiiMorphogenesis, pattern formation and function of the dentition of Heterodontus (Selachii)Predator-prey and competitive interactions between sharks (Order Selachii) and dolphins (suborder Odontoceti): A reviewMultiple prismatic calcium phosphate layers in the jaws of present-day sharks (Chondrichthyes; Selachii)Presencia del género Lissodus (Chondrichthyes, Selachii) en el Carbonífero Superior de Puertollano (Ciudad Real, España): conside...New records of fossil elasmobranch genera Megascyliorhinus, Centrophorus, and Dalatias (Order Selachii) in New ZealandA new species of Ditrachybothridium (Cestoda: Diphyllidea) from Galeus sp. (Selachii, Scyliorhynidae) from the south Pacific Ocean, ...