Selling pointSelling pointSelling pointMicrobiological quality of cows’ milk taken at different intervals from the udder to the selling point in Bamako (Mali)Effects of Transaction Costs on Choice of Selling Point: A Case of Smallholder Banana Growers in the Great Lakes Region of Central A...Selling the selling point: How innovation communication creates users of Virtual Worlds ArchitectureSelling the Selling PointNew Zealand tobacco retailers' attitudes to selling tobacco, point-of-sale display bans and other tobacco control measures: a qualit..."Treatment of LTBI": selling point or semantic blunder?Strategies to enhance early childhood education institution selling pointSymbols and Not Manifestoes Are the Selling Point Here: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Contemporary Nigerian Politi...Bed Scenes Allurement as Entertainment and Selling Point in Nigeria's Nollywood Movie IndustryThere's a big problem with the iPad Pro that could ruin its main selling point