- As with any famous location, sensationalism by the press often distorts the facts.
像在其他著名地点发生的一样,媒体追求轰动效应的做法经常歪曲了事实。 - Afterwards, sensationalism places its root in Hong Kong media.
Sensationalism in the media: when scientists and journalists may be complicit collaborators
Explicating Sensationalism in Television News: Content and the Bells and Whistles of Form
The myth of the explorer : the press, sensationalism, and geographical discovery
Mixed Feelings: Feminism, Mass Culture and Victorian Sensationalism
Explaining effects of sensationalism on liking of television news stories: The role of emotional arousal.
The interfollicular epidermal stem cell saga: sensationalism versus reality check
The Dictionary of Affect in Language: VI. "Sensationalism"defined in terms of affective tone.
News in an Age of Competition: The Case of Sensationalism in Dutch Television News, 1995–2001
The Trials of Alice Mitchell: Sensationalism, Sexology, and the Lesbian Subject in Turn-of-the-Century America
Mixed Feelings: Feminism, Mass Culture, and Victorian Sensationalism by Ann Cvetkovich