- They did not know which was most worthy of admiration, his pallor or his serenity.
我们不知道究竟哪一样最使人肃然起敬,是他面色的惨白呢,还是他神宇的宁静。 - I enjoyed the serenity and the peacefulness when I was in the church.
Serenity as a goal for nursing practice
The SERENITY Runtime Monitoring Framework
The SERENITY Runtime Monitoring Framework
SERENITY Pattern-Based Software Development Life-Cycle
SERENITY Pattern-Based Software Development Life-Cycle
Neurobiology: serotonin sustains serenity.
Rating pain or rating serenity: Effects on cold-pressor pain tolerance.
Peaceful play yoga: serenity and balance for children with cancer and their parents
The brief serenity scale: a psychometric analysis of a measure of spirituality and well-being
The Serenity of the Meditating Mind: A Cross-Cultural Psychometric Study on a Two-Factor Higher Order Structure of Mindfulness, Its ...