
英 [ə'kɑʊntɪd]
美 [ə'kɑʊntɪd]
  • vi.


  • 英英释义

    account[ ə'kauntid ]

    • n.
      • a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services

        "he asked to see the executive who handled his account"

        同义词:business relationship

      • the act of informing by verbal report

        "by all accounts they were a happy couple"


      • a record or narrative description of past events

        "he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"


      • a short account of the news

        "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious"

        同义词:reportnews reportstorywrite up

      • a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance

        "they send me an accounting every month"

        同义词:accountingaccount statement

      • a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.

        "I expected a brief account"


      • an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered

        "send me an account of what I owe"


      • grounds

        "don't do it on my account"; "the paper was rejected on account of its length"


      • importance or value

        "a person of considerable account"; "he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance"

      • the quality of taking advantage

        "she turned her writing skills to good account"

    • v.
      • be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something

        "Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam"

      • keep an account of


      • to give an account or representation of in words


      • furnish a justifying analysis or explanation

        "I can't account for the missing money"

        同义词:answer for



    account of在某人帐上重视,记帐

    account for对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因

    your account您的帐号

    take into account考虑;重视;体谅

    on account记帐,赊帐;分期付款

    on account of由于;因为;为了…的缘故

    bank account银行存款;银行往来帐户

    be taken into account[俚]被考虑

    current account经常帐;活期存款帐户

    account number帐号

    of account重要的;有价值的

    savings account储蓄帐户

    no account没用的;无交易;未交帐户;无会计科目

    account management账户管理

    capital account资本性帐户;固定资产帐户

    open an account开立帐户

    take account of考虑到;顾及;体谅

    deposit account存款帐户;储蓄存款

    new account新帐户;新开帐户

    checking account活期存款;支票户头;活期存款户头



    1. My bank account is 50 in the red.
    2. A credit balance of 50 was brought forward from his September account.
    3. I'll give you 20 on account.
    4. She/Her account was debited with 50.
    5. The old hunter accounted for two wolves that night.
    6. Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.
    7. In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty.
    8. A man is accounted innocent until he is proven guilty.


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