James J. Gibson's strategy for percieving: Ask not shat's inside your head, but what your head's inside of
A prokaryotic-like mode of cytoplasmic eukaryotic ribosome binding to the initiation codon during internal translation initation of ...
Molecular mechanisms of translation initiation in eukaryotes
Diamond inclusions in garnets from metamorphic rocks: a new environment for diamond formation
Mining the biomedical literature in the genomic era: an overview
Canonical eukaryotic initiation factors determine initiation of translation by internal ribosomal entry.
Functional dissection of eukaryotic initiation factor 4F: the 4A subunit and the central domain of the 4G subunit are sufficient to ...
Apoptosis as a form of cell death in intracerebral hemorrhage.
The influence of dairy products on plasma uric acid in women.