He's skilled, she's lucky: A meta-analysis of observers' attributions for women's and men's successes and failures.
Motivated Stereotyping of Women: She's Fine if She Praised Me but Incompetent if She Criticized Me
She swings, she hits, she's great, she's benched: Implications of gender-based shifting standards for judgment and behavior.
She's the boss: signaling in pollen tube reception
He's a Laker; She's a “Looker”: The Consequences of Gender-Stereotypical Portrayals of Male and Female Athletes by the Print Media
'She's 16 Years Old and There's Boys Calling over to the House': An Exploratory Study of Sexual Socialization in Latino Families
She'll Wake Up One of These Days and Find She's Turned into a Nigger: Passing Through Hybridity
“It's Like She's Eager to be Verbally Abused”: Twitter, Trolls, and (En)Gendering Disciplinary Rhetoric
AT LAW: She's Going to Die: The Case of Angela C
Lisicki's Eager to Show She's No Centre Court Cinderella ; Wild-Card German Insists She Has Every Right to Be in the Last Four as Sh...