- You're playing shockingly.
Ka-Boom!: A Shockingly Unconventional Meat TenderizerShockingly Early: Chromatin-Mediated Loss of the Heat Shock ResponseRodent models of sepsis found shockingly lackingShockingly bright [OI] 63μm lines from the supernova remnants W 44 and 3C 391.Shockingly complex: the difficult road to introducing new ideas to critical careShockingly low water abundances in Herschel / PACS observations of low-mass protostars in PerseusPublic sector whistleblowers are treated "shockingly,"MPs find.Towards Shockingly Easy Structured Classification: A Search-based Probabilistic Online Learning FrameworkThe debate on public place defibrillators: charged but shockingly ill informed."Touched pitch and been shockingly defiled": football, class, social Darwinism and decadence in England, 1880-1914