- All of results fit the actual shoe last well.
所得到的结果都能很好地符合实际鞋楦。 - This machine is used to profile the shape of the shoe from the shoetree using plastic foil during the process of shoe design.
Shoe tree
Shoe tree
Shoe tree
Combined boot or shoe tree and top-stretcher
The forest for the trees: tuberculosis control efforts in west Kalimantan.
Growing Christmas trees in Florida
Computer Simulation Analysis for Shoe-Tree Operation
Expandable shoe tree
Research on Pressure Distribution of Foot in Movement Condition and Shoe Tree Optimization
Shoe drying and heating device comprises conventional shoe tree which contains heating device and has ventilating holes or slits
An Investigation of ABF++, LSCM, and ARAP Methods for Parametrization of Shoetrees
An investigation of ABF++, LSCM, and ARAP methods for parametrization of shoetrees/Kurpaliu isklotiniu sudarymo taikant parametrizav...
Heel piece for a shoe tree or boot tree