The life of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen.EFFECTS OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT ON REMOVAL OF $sup 89$Sr, $sup 45$Ca, AND $sup 32$P BY HEMODIALYSIS FROM CONSCIOUS CALVES.1 Case Study 2 Majewski syndrome, Short Rib Polydactyly Syndrome (SRPS) Type II - A 3 rare case report, with review of literatureShort-rib syndrome classificationOn the formation and evolution of the first Be star in a black hole binary MWC 656The subclavian artery in 16 patients with complete cervical ribs13-week inhalation toxicity study and fertility assessment in rats exposed to atmospheres containing adiponitrileInhalation toxicity studies of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in spbague-dawley ratsSciatica and Cervical RibLyase activity of nucleoside 2-deoxyribosyltransferase: transient generation of ribal and its use in the synthesis of 2'-deoxynucleo...