The Shrimper's New Wife
Texas Shrimper Battles DuPont Over Wastewater Disposal Plans
Shrimper's Son an Inspiration Mayport Middle Principal Pushes Kids to Succeed
Discards produced by the Spanish shrimper fleet in the Mauritanian fishing ground (NW Africa)
IEO Studies on discards and By-catch of the Shrimper Industrial Fleet in West Africa
Estimation of species specific efforts of the Spanish shrimper fleet in Mauritanian waters
Using Cognitive Response to Assess Shrimper Participation and Regulation Compliance in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery
Discard and by-catch of the shrimper fleet in a West African fishing ground: towards an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management
Fishery and biological information obtained from scientific observations onboard Spanish shrimper vessels in the Mauritanian EEZ dur...
Method of collecting by-catch and discard information onboard Spanish commercial shrimper vessels in West Africa (IEO program of sci...