- The neraphim originate in Limbo, but some have found their way to the great planar metropolises, including Sigil and Union.
来自混沌海的涅拉蟾,在印记城以及联盟市这样的位面大都会中如鱼得水。 - That must be the Earth Sigil there.
Food Stress, Fluctuating Asymmetry and Reproductive Performance in the Gryllid Crickets Gryllus bimaculatus and Gryllodes sigillatusPurification and characterization of two dimeric α-amylases from digestive tract in the tropical house cricket Gryllodes sigillatus...Segells de sigil-lata hispànica de l'abocador de la plaça del NegretIsrael Hiebner's astrological amulets and the English Sigil WarLa terra sigil.lataLa terra sigil-lata africana a Ilerda230. nach Jacques (II) de Gheyn. Abraham Gorlaeus in seiner Sammlung (in: Abraham Gorlaeus: Dactyliothecae, seu annulorum sigillariu...SIGIL: A Novel GNSS/INS Integration for Challenging EnvironmentThe Morphology and Reproductive Biology of the Sigillarian Cone MazocarponChanges in forest land use and management in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, 1990–2010, with a focus on the Danum Valley region