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Europäisierung regionalen Regierens: Mit Sinatra zum „autonomieorientierten Systemwechsel“ im deutschen Bundesstaat?All the Way (Frank Sinatra song)Steven Petkov & Leonard Mustazza (eds.), The Frank Sinatra Reader (New York & Oxford: Oxford Uni...Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology.Efficacy and safety of single and repeated administration of 1 gram intravenous acetaminophen injection (paracetamol) for pain manag...Intentions and beliefs in students’ understanding and acceptance of biological evolution. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, ...Pain management after major orthopaedic surgery: current strategies and new conceptsEpidural narcotic and patient-controlled analgesia for post-cesarean section pain relief.A low-cost lightweight climbing robot for the inspection of vertical surfacesTight-adherence genes of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans are required for virulence in a rat model