- He wore dungarees and a singlet, patched, but neat and clean.
他穿着粗布工装裤和背心,上面打着补丁,却很整洁。 - Singlet oxygen is a special form in existence, which is strongly bioactive.
单线态氧是氧分子的一种特殊存在形式 - Singlet oxygen is a special form in existence,which is strongly bioactive.
Singlet oxygen-mediated damage to proteins and its consequences
Photosensitized singlet oxygen and its applications
Excitonic singlet-triplet ratio in a semiconducting organic thin film
Photoswitched singlet energy transfer in a porphyrin-spiropyran dyad.
Physical and chemical properties of singlet molecular oxygen
Extensive TD-DFT Benchmark: Singlet-Excited States of Organic Molecules
The Genetic Basis of Singlet Oxygen-Induced Stress Responses of Arabidopsis thaliana
Management of singlet and triplet excitons for efficient white organic light-emitting devices.
Relation between the singlet-triplet splitting and the copper-oxygen-copper bridge angle in hydroxo-bridged copper dimers
Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase protects against singlet oxygen-induced cell damage of photodynamic therapy