situational dialogues情景会话
situational analysis情景分析,情境分析
Situational Variables and Consumer Behavior | Journal of Consumer Research | Oxford Academic
Exploring the Robustness of Cross-Situational Learning Under Zipfian Distributions
Rapid word learning under uncertainty via cross-situational statistics.
Temporal stability and cross-situational consistency of affective, behavioral, and cognitive responses.
Infants rapidly learn word-referent mappings via cross-situational statistics
Conceptualizing Willingness to Communicate in a L2: A Situational Model of L2 Confidence and Affiliation
On predicting some of the people some of the time: The search for cross-situational consistencies in behavior.
An attitudinal model of technology-based self-service: Moderating effects of consumer traits and situational factors
Child/adolescent behavioral and emotional problems: implications of cross-informant correlations for situational specificity.
The genetic epidemiology of phobias in women: The interrelationship of agoraphobia, social phobia, situational phobia, and simple ph...