- A sizing or glaze made of egg white.
蛋白粘合剂由蛋白制成的上胶或釉料 - A revolving cylindrical sieve used for screening or sizing rock and ore.
Sizing router buffers
Sizing router buffers
Lot Sizing with Random Yields: A Review
Dynamic right-sizing for power-proportional data centers
Sizing and mapping of early adenovirus mRNAs by gel electrophoresis of S1 endonuclease-digested hybrids.
Economic Lot-Sizing: An O(n log n) algorithm that runs in linear time in the Wagner-Whitin case
A General Empirical Solution to the Macro Software Sizing and Estimating Problem
Optimal pricing and lot-sizing under conditions of perishability, finite production and partial backordering and lost sale
Microchip device for cell lysis, multiplex PCR amplification, and electrophoretic sizing.
M13-tailed primers improve the readability and usability of microsatellite analyses performed with two different allele-sizing metho...