- I hoped everybody could not be disturbed by canard and slapstick.
我希望大家不要被谣言和闹剧打扰。 - I prefer the dry humour of situation comedy to the slapstick of circus clowns.
Comedy Is a Man in Trouble:Slapstick in American Movies
Comedy Is A Man In Trouble: Slapstick in American Movies
The effect of laughter on evaluation of a slapstick movie 1
The identification of slapstick comedy using automatic affective video indexing techniques
Comedy of Philosophy, The: Sense and Nonsense in Early Cinematic Slapstick
The comedy of philosophy : sense and nonsense in early cinematic slapstick
From Ice Age to Madagascar: Appreciation of slapstick humor in children with Asperger's syndrome : Humor
Owen's Double Life; FILM - Owen Wilson Has Made a Name for Himself on Screen with No-Brainer Slapstick and Action Roles. but Off-Scr...
Automatic affective video indexing: Sound energy and object motion correlation discovery: Studies in identifying slapstick comedy us...
Automatic affective video indexing: Sound energy and object motion correlation discovery: Studies in identifying slapstick comedy us...