SLIMINESS-PREVENTING AGENTEvaluation of sliminess of cloth by optical measurementVOLATILE AGENT FOR PREVENTING SLIMINESSResearch for Sliminess Ratio Control System Based on High Speed On-Off ValveSYNTHETIC FIBER IMPROVED IN SLIMINESS AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAMESYNTHETIC FIBER IMPROVED IN SLIMINESS AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAMEThe effect of defatting on the sliminess and shelf-life of Ugiri CotyledonsKlebsiella pneumoniae as a cause of chronic mastitis and of sliminess of cows' milk.Effect of blanching, dehydration method and temperature on the ascorbic acid, colour, sliminess and other constituents of okra fruitMolecular Anatomy of the Surface Coat of the Infective L2 of the Parasitic Nematode Toxocara canis (Or: the Sliminess of the Worms).