- The walls were all slimy and green.
这些墙布满了青苔,极其黏滑。 - The town was deluged with thick slimy mud.
该城到处都是又厚又黏的泥. - You slimy little creep!
你这个卑鄙无耻的奴才! - He pulled some slimy string inside me.
The Life History of the Slimy Salamander, Plethodon glutinosus, in Florida
Predation on Mysis relicta by Slimy Sculpins ( Cottus cognatus ) in Southern Lake Ontario
Interactions between Slimy Sculpin and Trout: Slimy Sculpin Growth and Diet in Relation to Native and Nonnative Trout
Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus Mordax) Predation on Slimy Sculpin (Cottus Cognatus) in Lake Ontario
Assemblages of ectoparasites of a pelagic fish, slimy mackerel (Scomber australasicus), from south-eastern Australia.
Shifts in the Diets of Slimy Sculpin ( Cottus cognatus ) and Lake Whitefish ( Coregonus clupeaformis ) in Lake Ontario Following the...
Intra-lake Variation in Maturity, Fecundity, and Spawning of Slimy Sculpins ( Cottus cognatus ) in Southern Lake Ontario
Opisthobranchia (Mollusca, Gastropoda) – more than just slimy slugs. Shell reduction and its implications on defence and foraging
Food of Alewives, Yellow Perch, Spottail Shiners, Trout-perch, and Slimy and Fourhorn sculpins in southeastern Lake Michigan
Predator-Prey Relations and Competition for Food Between Age-0 Lake Trout and Slimy Sculpins in the Apostle Island Region of Lake Su...