Soft engineering on slopy ground
Contrast research on continuous slopy ridge in different outlet currents
Performance of grasses in levelled and slopy sand stone mine spoils.
Discharge process of ground water with nitrate on the slopy beach
Controlling Soil and Water Losses in Southern Slopy Farmland by Developing Ramie Industry
Comparative and competitive advantages of palawija crops on slopy land, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Efficacy of planting methods and establishment of Cassia siamea in slopy and red laterite soil of Orissa.
Yield and feeding value of leguminous fodder species grown as hedge rows in slopy lands of Sri Lanka.
Runoff and erosion losses and crop yields from slopy and eroded alluvial soils of Uttar Pradesh in relation to contour farming and f...
Spatial Variability of Soil Texture, Organic carbon and Cation Exchange Capacity of a Reddish Brown Latasolic Soil in a Slopy Landsc...