sociology of law法律社会学
economic sociology经济社会学;社会经济学
urban sociology城市社会学,都市社会学
sociology of knowledge知识社会学
sociology of science科学社会学
educational sociology教育社会学
rural sociology田园社会学
- Economics and sociology are social sciences.
经济学和社会学都属于社会科学。 - A few years ago, sociology is the most popular subject for undergraduate.
The British Journal of Sociology
From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology
Sociology. (Book Reviews: The Theory of Social and Economic Organization)
Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology
Some elements of a sociology of translation: domestication of the scallops and the fishermen of St Brieuc Bay
The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowlege
The Socail Construction of Reality: A Treatise on the Sociology of Knowledge
The Social Construction of reality:: a treatise in The Sociology of Knowledge
The social construction of knowledge -- a treatise in the sociology of knowledge
Chapter 3 – Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology *