quantum of solace量子危机(电影名称)
solace oneself with something用某物(或某事)安慰自己
- The sick man found solace in music.
那男病人从音乐中获得了安慰。 - I'm afraid he took his solace in drink.
恐怕他是借酒浇愁。 - His work has been a real solace to him.
- I usually solace myself with music.
我通常用音乐抚慰自己。 - I don't know how to solace his grief.
Solace: The Missing Dimension in Psychiatry
Parental grief: Solace and resolution.
Solace and immortality: Bereaved parents' continuing bond with their children
Seeking solace but finding despair: The persistence of intrusive thoughts in depression
Relational ethics of comfort, touch, and solace-endangered arts?
Endangered arts? The relational ethics of comfort, touch, and solace
Solar atmospheric coupling by electrons (SOLACE): 1. Effects of the May 12, 1997 solar event on the middle atmosphere
Solar atmospheric coupling by electrons (SOLACE): 2. Calculated stratospheric effects of precipitating electrons, 1979–1988
Solar-atmospheric coupling by electrons (SOLACE): 3. Comparisons of simulations and observations, 1979–1997, issues and implications
Well-being and unemployment in Russia in the 1990s: Can society's suffering be individuals’ solace?