[Somnambulism]SomnambulismSomnambulismHomicidal somnambulism: a case report.Somnambulism: All-Night Electroencephalographic StudiesSOMNAMBULISM IN CHILDHOOD‐PREVALENCE, COURSE AND BEHAVIORAL CORRELATIONSSleep and wakefulness in somnambulism: a spectral analysis study.Precipitating factors of somnambulism: impact of sleep deprivation and forced arousalsSuccessful treatment of night terrors and somnambulism with paroxetine.The value of sleep recording in evaluating somnambulism in young adults.Treatment of coexistent night-terrors and somnambulism in adults with imipramine and diazepamSleep disorders: disorders of arousal? Enuresis, somnambulism, and nightmares occur in confusional states of arousal, not in "dreami...A polysomnographically documented case of adult somnambulism with long-distance automobile driving and frequent nocturnal violence: ...