- She led off her recital with a Haydn sonata.
她在独奏会上首先演出的是海顿的奏鸣曲。 - The pianist executed the sonata perfectly.
这钢琴家把这首奏鸣曲演奏得非常完美。 - He heard someone playing his sonata in F.
他听见某人正用F调在弹他的奏鸣曲。 - She's going to play the opening bar of the sonata.
她准备演奏这支奏鸣曲的开始数小节。 - He played a piano sonata of his own composition.
Elements of sonata theory
Elements of Sonata Theory
Once again : The theme from Mozart's piano sonata in A major
Network Controller Procedures in SONATA, A Large Scale All-Optical WDM Network
Network Controller Procedures in SONATA, A Large Scale All-optical WDM Network
Beethoven's last sonata and those who chase crocodiles: Cross-domain mappings of auditory pitch in a musical context
A Perceptual Analysis of Mozart's Piano Sonata K. 282: Segmentation, Tension, and Musical Ideas
The Influence of Mozart’s Sonata K. 448 on Brain Activity During the Performance of Spatial Rotation and Numerical Tasks
Anti-Colonialist Antinomies in a Biology Lesson: A Sonata-Form Case Study of Cultural Conflict in a Science Classroom
Perceptions of musical dimensions in Beethoven's Waldstein sonata: An application of Tonal Pitch Space theory