- The specter of unemployment hunted the country.
失业的幽灵在这个国家作祟。 - If Entropic Specter damages any player, that player chooses and discards a card.
Specter rendering
The authoritarian specter
SPECTER: Building, Exploiting, and Sharing Augmented Memories
SPECTER: Neutron damage calculations for materials irradiations
Chasing a specter: Risk management for global environmental change
Spontaneous arterial perforation: the Ehlers-Danlos specter.
Kernicterus in term and near-term infants--the specter walks again.
Structural Geology of the Specter Range Quadrangle, Nevada, and its Regional Significance
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus infection: a vanishing specter
Arbitration and the Third World: A Plea for Reassessing Bias Under the Specter of Neoliberalism