- She pegged him as a big spender.
她觉得他是个大手大脚的人。 - You are really a big spender. I am the opposite, I am tight with money.
你花钱真是大手大脚,我正相反,花钱很小心。 - The least romantic spender will be a woman married for over 20 years without children, according to the survey.
The starving hoarder and voracious spender: stealing in anorexia nervosa
Managerial and Organizational Cognition: Theory, Methods and Research by Colin Eden; J. -C. Spender
Big Spender Gordon's Plan to Save His Skin ; the PM Is Preparing an Autumn Offensive to Restore His Standing - at the Cost of Yet Mo...
Spender für Medien
Knowledge and the Firm: Overview
The Resource-Based View: A Review and Assessment of its Critiques
Knowledge of the firm: overview
Organizational knowledge, learning and memory: three concepts in search of a theory