sphacelatesphacelateEffect of introduction of Kazungula grass (Setaria sphacelate), spacing and nitrogen on the productivity of a natural grasslandFlowering behaviour of Setaria sphacelate Stapf cv. 'Narok'A technique for isolation of Sphaceloma arachidis from infected peanutCHEMICAL CONTROL OF SCAB (SPHACELOMA POINSETTIAE) ON OUTDOOR GROWN POINSETTIA PLANTS IN FLORIDA12Sphaceloma coryli sp. nov. on hazel (Corylus avellana L.).A species of Sphaceloma on Avocado.Characterisation, Epidemiology and Control of Scab on Protea Spp. Caused by Elsinoe Spp. (Anamorph Sphaceloma Protearum).Measured toxicity of carbendazam-thiram on verticillium albo-atrum of eggplant