SpiculumspiculumSpiculumGastral spiculum in Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera)First report of Pythium spiculum causing root rot on wild-olive in Spain.Pathogenicity of Pythium spiculum and P. sterilum on feeder roots of Quercus rotundifoliaRoot rot caused by pythium spiculum affecting cork oaks at Doñana Biological Reserve (Spain)Phytophthora cinnamomi and Pythium spiculum as main agents of Quercus decline in southern Spain and PortugalPhytophthora cinnamomi and Pythium spiculum as main agents of Quercus decline in southern Spain and Portugal.First report of root rot caused by Pythium spiculum affecting cork oaks at Doñana Biological Reserve in Spain.Germination of hyphal bodies of Pythium spiculum isolated from declining cork oaks at Doñana National Park (Spain).The oxygen consumption and feeding of Donax incarnatus and Donax spiculum from tropical beachesGerminación de los cuerpos hifales (esporangios) de Pythium spiculum, patógeno radical de la encina y el alcornoque