The Puerto Rican Spiritualist as a PsychiatristThe Spiritualist Movement and the Need for a Redefinition of CultThe Spiritualist Medium: A Study of Female Professionalism in Victorian AmericaSpiritualist Healers in Mexico: Successes and Failures of Alternative Therapeutics by Kaja FinklerThe authority and empowerment of women among spiritualist groups.Applied Anthropology: Spiritualist Healers in Mexico: Successes and Failures of Alternative Therapeutics. Kaja FinklerEugenics and the Afterlife: Lombroso, Doyle, and the Spiritualist Purification of the RaceA survey of dissociation, boundary-thinness, and psychological wellbeing in Spiritualist mental mediumshipPart one: A comparative study of health seekers: Or, why do some people go to doctors rather than to spiritualist healers?Fredrick B. Pike. The Politics of the Miraculous in Peru: Haya de la Torre and the Spiritualist Tradition. Lincoln: University of Ne...