Intrapancreatic common bile duct compression causing jaundice in an adult with cystic fibrosis.
Pancreatic ectasia in uremic macaques
O-benylation of Chitosan under Microwave Irradiation
Determination of Holoside in Toadstool using Authrone Colorimetric method and Evaluation To the test
Odd countries with a message of The Flower In The Mirror
The Russian Orthodox Eastern Church's Characteristics and Its Building of Philosophy of Religion in the Silver Age
Clinical analysis of 50 cases of pregnancy with thrombopenia
Characterization of quenched-in vacancies in Fe–Al alloys
Quantitative Bestimmung Einer Mischung Aus Extrakten Ätherischer Öldrogen Mittels Hochdruckflüssigkeits-Chromatographie