ASSESSMENT OF GROUND REACTION FORCES OF STEPPAGE GAIT IN COMPARISON WITH NORMAL GAITDesign and testing of statistical methods to classify the severity of steppage gait based on center of pressure dataBiomechanics of Steppage GaitCentre of Pressure Trajectory Differences between Normal and Steppage GaitDifferences in center of pressure trajectory between normal and steppage gaitPosterior tibialis tendon transfer for steppage gait: Functional results and indicationsNeglected Alkaptonuric Patient Presenting with Steppage Gait.[Steppage gait in a 10 year-old girl]Modeling of Interaction between Sole of Ankle-Foot Orthosis, Soft Tissue, Bones, Cartilage and Tendons in Steppage Gait Disorder thr...272 SURGICAL OUTCOME OF STEPPAGE GAIT (DROP FOOT) DUE TO LUMBAR DEGENERATIVE DISEASES