ANGUS COUNCIL CINEMAS ACT 1985TfNSW Standard Requirements TSR T – Technical ManagementMODELING OF THE GAS/DIESEL DUAL-FUEL COMBUSTION PROCESS FOR CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO ENGINESA continuum glassy polymer model applicable to dynamic loadingContinuous solids feed. [Equations applicable to design of system for moving oil shale in retorting process]The principles and techniques of personnel organization and classification applicable to the U.S. Navy.Rice drying technology and equipment which might be applicable to tropical developing countriesMassive Mutant Screens to Illuminate the Dark Side of the CyanobacteriumAPPARATUS AND METHOD PROVIDING AUTO ZOOM IN RESPONSE TO RELATIVE MOVEMENT OF TARGET SUBJECT MATTERTechnical Note: Motion‐perturbation method applied to dosimetry of dynamic MLC target tracking—A proof‐of‐concept