Nitrogen-fixation by bacteria in Lake Mize, Florida, and some lacustrine sediments
The Idea of National HRD: An Analysis Based on Economics and Theory Development Methodology.
Hydrocotyle (Umbelliferae) in New Zealand: the 3-foliolate species
Effect of topical local anesthetic application to skin harvest sites for pain management in burn patients undergoing skin-grafting p...
Preparation and structure of 2-chloro-1,3-dimethyldiaza-2-arsenane, 1,...
The South African National Non-Natural Mortality Surveillance System--rationale, pilot results and evaluation
Elevated carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: what might it mean for loblolly pine plantation forestry?
Expression and secretion of foreign polypeptides in yeast
Ethnobotany and Production Constraints of Traditional and Commonly Used Vegetables of Pakistan
Renaissance Culture and the Everyday