Radiolarites and their relation to subjacentSubjacent orbital control. Electronic factor favoring concertedness in Woodward-Hoffmann forbidden reactionsRole of the hippocampus plus subjacent cortex but not amygdala in visuomotor conditional learning in Rhesus monkeys.A structural analysis of approximal enamel caries lesions and subjacent dentin reactionsA concepção de formação do indivíduo subjacente à finalidade da atividade de ensino de professores de matemáticaStratum corneum architecture, metabolic activity and interactivity with subjacent cell layersUltrastructural studies of the human Giardia lamblia and subjacent jejunal mucosa in a subject with steatorrheaResponsiveness to sensory stimulation of units in the superior colliculus and subjacent tectotegmental regions of the rabbit.In vitro studies on the morphogenesis and differentiation of the mesoderm subjacent to the apical ectodermal ridge of the embryonic ...Dehydration and rehydration selectively and reversibly alter glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in the rat supraoptic ...