Effects of submersed macrophytes on ecosystem processesSediment interactions with submersed macrophyte growth and community dynamicsSediment‐Related Mechanisms of Growth Limitation in Submersed MacrophytesDepth Distribution and Biomass of Submersed Aquatic Macrophyte Communities in Relation to Secchi DepthWater quality associated with survival of submersed aquatic vegetation along an estuarine gradientThe interaction between water movement, sediment dynamics and submersed macrophytesNutrient enrichment of estuarine submersed vascular plant communities. 1. Algal growth and effects on production of plants and assoc...Beyond light: Physical, geological, and geochemical parameters as possible submersed aquatic vegetation habitat requirementsPredator-Prey Interaction between Largemouth Bass and Bluegills as Influenced by Simulated, Submersed VegetationComparative Influences of Light and Temperature on the Growth and Metabolism of Selected Submersed Freshwater Macrophytes