- But the Worldwide Robotics Corporation did promise that every new robot built would be installed with a subservience chip?
On Theory of Subservience of Instigator of Subservience
From subservience to strike : industrial relations in the banking industry
The Convenience of Subservience: Women and the State of Pakistan
The Convenience of Subservience: Women and the State of Pakistan
Exporting subservience : Sri Lankan women's migration for domestic work in Jordan
Media Subservience and Satirical Subversiveness: , , The Propaganda Model and the Paradox of Parody
Justice Under Siege: The Rule of Law and Judicial Subservience in Kenya
The two routes for excitation of muscle and their subservience to the cerebellum
Media Subservience and Satirical Subversiveness: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The Propaganda Model and the Paradox of Parody
Leadership and management in curriculum design: bureaucracies, subservience and subordination