- Nobody noticed the subtlety of his remarks.
没有人听出他话中的微妙含义。 - The subtlety of color is absolutely unbelievable.
这颜色的微妙之处是绝对让人难以置信。 - His subtlety could not avail him here.
The Subtlety of Sameness
The subtlety of emotions.
The subtlety of sex-atypicality.
The subtlety of White racism, arousal, and helping behavior.
The subtlety of distinctiveness: What von Restorff really did.
The subtlety of sameness: A theory and computer model of analogy-making.
Towards subtlety: understanding the role of Toll-like receptor signaling in susceptibility to human infections.
Human keratin diseases: the increasing spectrum of disease and subtlety of the phenotype–genotype correlation
Human keratin diseases: the increasing spectrum of disease and subtlety of the phenotype–genotype correlation
The human natural anti-Gal IgG. III. The subtlety of immune tolerance in man as demonstrated by crossreactivity between natural anti...