- Walden was secretly amused by the suffragette.
沃尔登对那个女权运动者暗自感到高兴。 - In July 1909, imprisoned English suffragette Marion Dunlop refused to eat.
An Examination of Suffragette Violence
“Suffragettes in Satin Shorts”? Gender and Competitive Boxing
Three waves of feminism: From suffragettes to grrls
Before the Suffragettes: Women's Emancipation in the 1890s by David Rubinstein
The prison experiences of the suffragettes in Edwardian Britain
Creating the ‘suffragette spirit’: British feminism and the historical imagination1
Theatre and Fashion: Oscar Wilde to the Suffragettes by Joel H. Kaplan; Sheila Stowell
From Visible Flâneuse to Spectacular Suffragette? The Prison, the Street, and the Sites of Suffrage
Measures and Meanings: Exploring the Ego-Net of Helen Kirkpatrick Watts, Militant Suffragette
Covert social movement networks and the secrecy-efficiency trade off: The case of the UK suffragettes (1906–1914) ☆