- Lateral to the hypophysial fossais thecarotid sulcus.
颈动脉沟。 - As the acute inflammation grows, notice how the architecture of the post-central sulcus is displaced posterolaterally.
Gingival sulcus bleeding--a leading symptom in initial gingivitis.
Multiple visual areas in the caudal superior temporal sulcus of the macaque.
Projections to the superior temporal sulcus from the central and peripheral field representations of V1 and V2
Integration of auditory and visual information about objects in superior temporal sulcus.
Integration of direction signals of image motion in the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque monkey
Cortical connections of the somatosensory fields of the lateral sulcus of macaques: Evidence for a corticolimbic pathway for touch
Structure of the human sensorimotor system. I: Morphology and cytoarchitecture of the central sulcus.
Afferent cortical connections and architectonics of the superior temporal sulcus and surrounding cortex in the rhesus monkey.
Parietal, temporal, and occipital projections to cortex of the superior temporal sulcus in the rhesus monkey: a retrograde tracer st...
Bruce, C., Desimone, R. & Gross, C. G. Visual properties of neurons in a polysensory area in superior temporal sulcus of the maquaqu...